Course Details
ECITB Technical Mechanical Joint Integrity helps existing workers update their knowledge before taking ECITB Technical Tests. These learning courses are an integral part of the ECITB/Step change in Safety MJI model.
Once candidates have achieved satisfactory completion of their Work Based Task Assignment and signed off by their employer, they can then move on to completing their technical test (TMJI). Work Based Task Assignments have to be completed within the 12-month period from the date they completed their MJI training. Each individual will complete a formal assessment of their job knowledge, skills and ability in each Mechanical Joint Integrity subject.
The ECITB technical competence validation tests are standards-based consisting of a bank of knowledge questions and a practical task to validate the learners skills, knowledge and ability (stage 3). Successful candidates will attain an ECITB certificate of achievement which is valid for a period of 3 years.
Unsuccessful candidates must wait a minimum period of 4 weeks between the unsuccessful test session and the next session to allow for a period of training to address any skills or knowledge gaps. Stage 4 is a repeat of stage 3 every 3 years to check competency level are met. If the certificate has expired, a letter of endorsement from company is needed.
Course Contents:
There are five ECITB approved Technical Mechanical Joint Integrity (TMJI) tests which include an online technical test for each, including:
Any individual who has completed their Work Based Task Assignment within the 12-month period for the following: (stage 2)
- ECITB TMJI10 Dismantle, Assemble and Hand Torque Flanged Joints
- ECITB TMJI11 Dismantle, Assemble and Hand Torque Clamp Connector
- ECITB TMJI18 Dismantle, Assemble and Tensioning Bolted Connections (Hydraulic Tensioning)
- ECITB TMJI19 Dismantle, Assemble and Hydraulically Torque Flanged Joints
- ECITB TMJI20 Dismantle, Assemble and Hydraulically Torque Clamp Connector Joints
These can be completed as single entities or altogether if candidate has completed all assignments.
Course Duration:
Half Day
Number of Delegates:
Min Four (4pax) – Max Six (6pax)
In order to complete the TMJI10 technical test, delegates MUST hold:
- MJI10: Hand Torque Bolted Connection Techniques
- Completed stage 2 workplace training. They must have complete log-books giving evidence of on the job experience. The workbooks must be signed off by a supervisor, line manager or a person with responsibility for the final approval and quality assurance for the relevant tasks.
ECITB MJI Approved Course “Training Certificates” which are received upon successful completion of MJI10, MJI18 and/or MJI19 are valid for a 12-month perioud only for stage 3 techincal testing application purposes. These certificates must also be supported by stage 2 ECITB MJI “work based task assignment(s)” completed within the same 12-month period. If the 12-month training to technical testing period elapses, the full MJI process must be attended again from stage 1.
A basic level of fitness is required – delegates will complete a self-medical declaration
£239.00 vat ex